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Se afișează postările cu eticheta friends. Afișați toate postările

13 aprilie 2009

Tribute to some dear friends....

Yesterday I returned home from Olanesti, a nice familiar resort in Romania, where AIESEC Craiova (my home LC) and AIESEC Ploiesti had their first RTS (Regional Training Seminar) together. As I had already participated to the newies and oldies tracks and been part of the organizing committee in the past, this RTS was for me a way of meeting new people (be them members from Ploiesti or newies from Craiova), having fun and rejoining "old pals", supporting dear friends who went in front to pass their legacy, etc.
It began in a funny (funny HA-HA, not funny - strange) way, cause I witnessed some of the funniest role-calls, punishments, "karate"-s, parties and drinking games ever: people really rolling on the floor laughing, with tears in their eyes, all that in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
But it didn't end that way! Saturday night we took part in the Take Over Gala, a formal event in which the Executive Board 08-09 left the "wheel" of the committe to a new generation of leaders. And they made it all at top level: great speeches, cool presents, nice outfits, but most of all, what really made my day was the emotion in everybody's heart...I didn't one cried, actually, but it was that feeling that a group of people who were there for us a whoooole year ended their term and it's funny (funny strange, not funny HA-HA), cause from now on I won't be seeing them in front of us anymore, as our EB...It's not an end for them, it the opportunity to do other things, at a higher level, and I wish them all the luck in the world and a great experience ahead! So stand up for the champions and put your hands together fooooor:






Cheers, my friends....

25 ianuarie 2009

Thoughts for my friends...

I have a lot on my mind and even more on my soul...I have a lot of things to do, and yet the only thing I want is nothing :)) That's why I find the seconds to write this post. Last time I wanted to write on my blog was exactly 51 days ago, I started a new post but didn't finish it...I didn't find the time.
A friend of mine (Ale from Mexico) told me she wanted to read my posts but she couldn't, 'cause I was writing in Romanian. Guilty as hell :P I'm guilty, ain't it hilarious? And what is even worse is that...I'm not guilty for not writing in English, but for not writing to them at all...How can I keep up with them? There's always Facebook, Twitter or other kinds of social-communication networks that I fervently use, but now I realize I cannot let everybody see what I just want my friends to know. That's why I'll never write on Facebook if I fail any exams, or if I don't get a position I'm applying for, or if I have health problems, or if someone dear to me dies...This is something you tell your friends. This is something you tell your friends in private. Period!
That's the reason why Internet should not have been invented :)) People would use their phones more often...or letters! Letters...this really sounds cool! How many of you sent a hand-written letter since the beginning of the year? How many of you sent a hand-written letter last year? I remember writing a of them was for AIESEC Craiova, if I remember well. I was sitting in my small, nifty office in Barcelona, remembering the good old times :) Good old times when it was so easy to catch up with your hand-written mail or by phone...
My advice is...don't let your friends go that far so that you need Facebook to know how they are :)
Have a wonderful night, my dears....hope you will soon receive a letter from your friends!

15 iunie 2008

A fi sau a nu fi...ERASMUS - continuare

M-am intors, dragi prieteni, pentru ca va ramasesem datoare cu ceva, si anume cu descrierea persoanelor pe care le am lasat in urma cand am plecat cu ERASMUS. Enumeram eu in lista mea de la ultima postare ca mi-a fost (si inca mai imi este) dor de familie, prieteni, colegi, pana si cunoscutilor incepusem sa le simt lipsa.
Voi incepe cu familia mea (God, I miss them), compusa din Mami (nume de cod pentru mama mea), Tati (nume de cod pentru tatal meu), Oana (numele surorii mele) si Cris (numele celei mai bune prietene - ca si parte din familie).

  • Mami - poate sunt eu copilul ei, da´ nimeni si nimic n-o sa ma convinga vreodata ca exista vreo mama mai buna ca a mea :X Ca orice mama, uneori reuseste sa fie suficient de cicalitoare incat sa ma faca sa-mi retrag cuvintele, dar in inima mea stiu ca o sa ramana mereu amintirile cu ea, dovezile de iubire pe care mi le-a aratat, felul ala unic in care o mama isi rasfata copilul pe care il iubeste si siguranta ca, orice s-ar intampla, orice as face, ea va ramane langa mine neconditionat. M-a intrebat un coleg spaniol cum e mama m-am blocat! Mama mea e mama! Adica e exact cum ar trebui sa fie o mama! Acuma vorbesc de felul in care am perceput-o cand am vazut-o de Revelion, dupa ce petrecusem in Barcelona mai mult de 100 de zile fara ea. Era tandra si ma privea de parca toata lumea ei se invartea in jurul meu, de parca soarele rasarea si apunea cand clipeam eu din gene. Mami e profesoara si a vazut multi copii la viata ei, dar e atat de diferit sa ii "vezi" pe ai tai! Si ea o face cu tot ce poate da o mama mai bun. Saru´mana, Mami!
  • Tati - e un smecher si jumatate:)) De el imi e cel mai dor din punct de vedere intelectual (opus lui Mami, care imi lipseste emotional si afectiv). Imi e dor de inteligenta lui, de spiritualitate, de aciditate/ironie. De la tati mi am mostenit "rautatea", dar tot de la el am un spirit diplomatic; mai exact, chit ca uneori spun cele mai crude adevaruri, reusesc sa le invelesc ori intr un strat de cuvinte aparent inofensive, fie intr-o subtilitate prin care interlocutorul sa nu-si dea seama ca este luat peste picior. Mi-e dor de tati fiindca era curios si ii placea sa invete(vezi calculator/laptop, imprimanta, telefon, internet, messenger, email, aparat foto, camera de filmat, xerox etc), si de cele mai multe ori nu mai era el "profesorul" (asta este si meseria lui), ci eu! Abia astept sa vin acasa, Tati, sa-mi arati ce-ai mai invatat :)
  • Oana - pff, sa speram ca termin in cateva ore :P Oana e...foarte greu de descris in cuvinte! E cea care stie tot despre mine, si eu (cred/sper ca) stiu (aproape) tot despre ea. E destul de "lenesa" pana isi pune ordine in idei si un tzel pe care sa il urmeze, dar odata ce a clarificat aceste "issue"-uri, she goes for it! Momentan e in saptamana-oarba (cine stie cunoaste, cine nu, n-are importanta). E o fana a muzicii/filmului, e un fel de "guru" in domeniu, sau o enciclopedie ambulanta, cum o mai alint eu cateodata (probabil cand incerc sa obtin ceva de la ea:D). Cu ea aveam/am cele mai lungi discutii si cele mai aprinse dezbateri. De obicei nu avem aceleasi pareri si aparam fiecare idei cat mai contradictorii cu putinta, probabil de dragul dezbaterii in sine, de dragul gasirii argumentelor si a ingenuncherii (prin logica) a "adversarului". Ce-mi place la faptul ca e sora mea e ca oricat ne-am certa, tot trebuie sa ne impacam :)) Glumeam acuma! I-am compatimit mereu pe cei singuri la parinti pentru ca nu vor sti niciodata cum e sa imparti orice si sa se imparta cu tine. Poti sa faci asta cu un prieten, dar facand-o cu o sora/un frate ai certitudinea ca totul va fi sincer pana la sfarsit. Eu am cu cine, ba, am cu cine...
  • Cris - e dovada vie ca, si daca as fi fost singura la parinti, tot as fi avut cu cine :P Ne cunoastem, dupa calculele mele, de 6 ani (prima zi de liceu), si suntem mai degraba complementare, decat asemanatoare. Cris e o persoana care evolueaza in permanenta, si norocul pe care-l am ca am putut sa o vad de-a lungul acestei "cresteri" perpetue e ca mi-am dat seama in ce fel ne-am pus amprenta una asupra celeilalte. E la fel de incapatanata ca Oana (adica mai degraba le cedez eu lor, decat ele mie) si replica favorita, cand imi incerc "gherutele" pe ea e ca "o intep":P Si chiar daca "inteapa", true friends will always be there...
Cam atata asta-seara, ca am obosit! Am scris trei randuri, dar mi-au venit in minte o sumedenie de amintiri cu ei, si rad aici, la biblioteca, de una singura :P Daca am calculat corect, in 3 saptamani o sa fiu acasa, printre ei, si o sa-mi gasesc alte subiecte despre care sa va scriu voua.

Pana la o noua intalnire, va urez: Buna seara, prieteni!

P.S.: explicatia pozei - de la stanga la dreapta: eu, Cris si Oana, in fata parcului de distractii de pe muntele Tibidabo, Barcelona